online Archives - Dentistry Today Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:30:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 online Archives - Dentistry Today 32 32 Use SEO to Help Your Dental Practice Grow Mon, 26 Jul 2021 11:42:37 +0000

In an increasingly digital world, an online presence has become a must for dental practices, starting with developing and putting up a website.

While traditional ways of promoting dental services still have their uses, digital dental marketing is now the top approach dental practices use to attract new patients.

A digital custom dental marketing strategy usually has an SEO component. Short for search engine optimization, SEO is all about helping your website rank higher on the search engine results (SERPs) of Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and other search engines.

The higher your rank, the better your chances of generating clicks and attracting potential patients to your site. Considering that 75% of search engine users don’t go beyond page one of SERPs, you will need to do your best to rank high enough to be on the first page of search results.

Effective SEO can help you do that and more. Here are some SEO tips that will help you grow your dental practice.

Do Keyword Research

Every SEO strategy involves a lot of keyword research. People use these keywords to search the web for the products and services they need. You need to know what they are so you can target them when optimizing your site, and that’s where keyword research comes in handy.

In your case, focus on keywords that include words like “dentist” and all its possible variations, including ones with the name of your dental practice, the services you provide, and your location. With the help of keyword research tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz, learn what you can about those keywords, from their search volume to their click-through rate (CTR).

Study the data, choose the keywords you think will give you the best chance of ranking, and incorporate them into your page title, meta description tag, and body content, among other places.

Optimize for Local Search

Your dental practice relies on local clientele, who will likely use search engines to find dental services near them. To find your dental practice at the top of those searches, you will need to optimize for local search, too.

Creating and optimizing your free Google My Business (GMB) profile is one of the best ways of boosting your local visibility. With it, you get the opportunity to have all your pertinent business information indexed by Google.

So, make sure you add your dental practice’s name, address, phone number, description, business category, business hours, high-quality photos, and a link to your website when creating your GMB profile.

Other things that will help boost your local SEO include:

  • Creating Yelp, Foursquare, and Yahoo Local listings
  • Encouraging existing patients to leave reviews on GMB and other platforms
  • Incorporating local keywords in your title tags
  • Optimizing for voice search
  • Offering up content related to local news, activities, and events
  • Getting high-quality backlinks from local authority sites, business partners, and social media influencers

Improve Your Page Load Time

Internet users these days expect pages to load in three seconds or less. A few seconds slower than that, and visitors will likely leave.

Worse, your pages will find themselves in the lower rungs of search results, as page speed is a Google ranking factor. Simply put, slow page load time means lost potential patients who won’t see links to your pages in search results because they’re buried dozens of pages down.

You need to improve your page load speed if you want to rank high in SERPs. You can start by using Google’s PageSpeed Insights to identify what’s slowing everything down and fix it.

Other things you can do to improve page speed include optimizing your images, reducing redirects, and switching to the faster, more reliable servers of another Web hosting company.

Develop Quality Content

When people search the Web, they expect the pages they access through SERPs to provide them precisely the information they need. They must find the content you provide to be relevant, useful, actionable, and engaging, all at the same time.

In other words, your website must offer nothing but quality content all the time.

Since your audience would be interested in all things related to dental care, it makes sense to create content that will satisfy their curiosity, answer their questions about specific dental procedures, and solve their oral health-related problems.

Here are some quality dental content ideas to consider:

  • Blog posts about proper oral hygiene
  • Videos about your dental services
  • Infographics detailing the steps of a given dentistry procedure
  • News about advances in dentistry
  • Images showing off new equipment
  • Before and after photos

Ensure Mobile-Friendliness

Since mobile-friendliness is a Google ranking factor, it’s only wise to make sure your dental practice’s website renders well on mobile devices.

Also, practically the entire world has gone mobile. You wouldn’t want your website to look cumbersome on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices, because mobile users won’t have the patience to read content or tap on links they can barely see without zooming in hard. They’ll just move on to a more mobile-friendly site—probably that of your competitor’s—and give them their business.

If you want to win more patients among the ever-growing mobile user population, talk to your web design team, and see what they can do to make your dental practice website more responsive.

With responsive web design, your website should be able to adapt nicely to mobile device screens with different dimensions.

Your Turn

While SEO is only a part of your overall digital dental marketing strategy, it has the potential to play a massive role in getting the word out about your dental services to wider but more targeted audiences.

And while you can learn how to do SEO by yourself, your busy schedule as a professional dental practitioner could get in the way. To get the best possible results, you would probably do well to partner up with a dental SEO agency to implement an optimization strategy that will eventually lead to more new patients coming through your dental practice’s doors.

Mr. Byrne, founder and CEO, started My Digital Dentistry after years of developing and executing successful marketing strategies for venture capitalists and business owners in and out of the medical field. He saw a growing need for quality digital marketing specifically in dentistry, and he had the foresight to create an agency specializing in understanding and solving the unique problems of dentists and their practices from general dentists to endodontists.

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Pro Tips for Creating Great Dental Patient Testimonial Videos Fri, 18 Jun 2021 13:33:04 +0000

Patient testimonials are a powerful marketing tool that all dentists can use on their website, on social media, in ads, on landing pages, in blogs, and in emails. When testimonials are in video form, they can pack an even bigger punch.

Videos are a dynamic way to send a message, and they can introduce an element of authenticity to any marketing campaign. In addition, success stories from real patients can go a long way toward building a practice’s credibility and authority, as long as they’re done right.

While a testimonial video does not necessarily need to be professionally produced, it does need to look good. A video that is a little on the “raw” side may actually resonate better with potential patients than one that is more polished.

That said, a sloppy video will turn people off. Therefore, there are some important guidelines to keep in mind when incorporating patient testimonial videos into your practice’s marketing strategy, and certainly some things to absolutely avoid.

  • Tip 1: Hold the phone or camera steady. Use a tripod or phone stand if possible. A shaky video is hard to watch and will not hold the viewer’s attention for long. If the phone or camera is still and at the correct angle, the video will be much cleaner.
  • Tip 2: Make sure the head and shoulders of the person speaking are fully in the shot (but maybe not their entire body). If a video is shot from too close up, it can feel uncomfortable. Likewise, if it is shot from too far away, it can feel too formal or impersonal.
  • Tip 3: Check the lighting. If the light is too low or if the patient in your video is backlit, their face will be in shadow, and it could end up looking like they’re in witness protection. For the best results, the main light source should be behind the camera, not behind the person being recorded, and bright enough to see facial features clearly.
  • Tip 4: Shoot your video in a quiet place. Background noise, even music, in your testimonial video can be distracting and will make your patient harder to understand. Additionally, it just draws attention to the fact that the video was not professionally produced. If there is no background noise, the focus remains on the subject of your video, which is what you want.
  • Tip 5: Ask your patient to speak loudly and clearly enough to be heard and understood. If the goal is to rave about the success of a procedure and about how wonderfully they were treated by the team, it is important that all of their words of praise come across loud and clear.
  • Tip 6: Choose patients who are enthusiastic. Patients who have undergone major transformations usually make the best subjects for videos. Their stories are usually more emotional and “juicier” in general, making them more likely to resonate with others.
  • Tip 7: Ask leading questions to drive the story. If you plan ahead a bit, you can write down some open-ended questions to encourage the patient to add interesting details, not just about the procedure they had, but also about how it has changed their life. This gives you more to work with for the final video, and the questions can always be edited out.
  • Tip 8: Set a goal of asking at least three patients and getting one video shot each week. Naturally, not every patient will want to be on camera, but asking several patients a week will certainly increase the odds that someone will. Additionally, shooting one video a week will give you plenty of content that can be rotated in and out and used across multiple platforms and in targeted marketing campaigns.

Patient testimonial videos are a great resource for marketing a dental practice. When done properly and used in the right way, they don’t just tell the patient’s stories, but they also help tell your story.

Testimonial videos show potential patients that people just like them trust your integrity as a dental professional, the quality of the treatments you provide, and the skills of the staff you hire.

With all of that riding on the videos you choose to promote in your marketing, it is important that they are produced well, and that is certainly possible, as long as you always keep the final product in mind.

With more than a decade of experience in corporate dental laboratory marketing and brand development, Ms. UlasewichCullen decided to take her passion for the dental business and marketing to the next level by founding My Dental Agency. Since starting her company, she and her team have helped a wide variety of practices all over the nation focus their message, reach their target audience, and increase their sales through effective marketing campaigns. She can be reached at (800) 689-6434 or via email at

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Water Fluoridation Gains Support on Twitter Fri, 11 Jun 2021 16:21:23 +0000

Positive attitudes toward water fluoridation are growing on Twitter, where the number of supporters has grown from zero to 19% in five years, according to the British Fluoridation Society (BFS). However, the BFS said, opposition has remained constant on Facebook.

Researchers compared identical studies analyzing social media accounts on Twitter and Facebook from 2015 and 2021 examining the public’s perception of water fluoridation as expressed on social media. Accounts were divided into supportive, anti, or neutral groups.

The BFS noted that libertarians oppose the addition of fluoride and other chemicals such as chlorine that prevent disease like cholera and typhoid to drinking water supplies. Most healthcare organizations, particularly dental groups, support universal measures designed to improve health, the BFS continued.

BFS member Rebecca Linney launched the 2015 study as part of her dental degree to understand how campaigners were using social media. She said she was fascinated by the subject because she comes from Liverpool, where water is not fluoridated, but studied dentistry in Birmingham, which is fluoridated.

As both a Liverpool resident and practicing dentist, Linney said, she strongly believes that her local water supply should be fluoridated. In March 2021, she repeated the study to test whether there had been a change in perceptions.

According to her study, 19% of Twitter accounts featuring water fluoridation support the public health measure, whereas in 2015 there were no accounts supportive of water fluoridation at all. Also, the study found that:

  • Facebook continues to be the platform where there is the most negativity around water fluoridation.
  • The number of oppositional water fluoridation pages on Facebook has increased, but the number of oppositional water fluoridation groups has decreased.
  • There are more pro-fluoridation events on Facebook.
  • There are fewer Twitter accounts that could be described as uncategorized or neutral in relation to water fluoridation.

“I was particularly interested to see that there are more events supporting water fluoridation listed on Facebook, indicative of an upsurge of commitment to promoting water fluoridation,” Linney said.

“I can also see that there is now more support on Twitter thanks to the British Fluoridation Society, Public Health England, the Oral Health Foundation, and many other organizations using their accounts to post informative statements and links,” she said.

“This paper highlights how important it is to continue to communicate clear and scientific statements about water fluoridation. The fact is, unless we keep active on social media, opponents will fill that vacuum,” said BFS chair Barry Cockcroft. “This is a most valuable piece of work.”

The study, “A Comparison of the Public’s Perception of Water Fluoridation Based on Social Media Posts Between June 2015 and March 2021,” was published by the BFS.

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How Dentists Can Gain New Patients’ Trust Tue, 08 Jun 2021 13:36:46 +0000

In the age of the internet, all dental practices need an impeccable online footprint, including a professional website, patient portal, glowing testimonials, and positive reviews across multiple platforms, most importantly Google, Facebook, and Yelp. And now, with people more concerned about their safety than ever, new patients will be looking for dentists who go above and beyond.

For example, last May I very publicly purchased two extraoral suction units as part of a $10,000-plus investment into my Palm Beach office in South Florida, allowing me to better protect my staff and patients from unnecessary risks of COVID-19 infection. This set me apart from other dentists in the area and demonstrated that I was being proactive in ways to make my practice safer than ever.

Here are five of the most important ways dentists can prove to new patients that their practice is the one to choose.

First, be very aware of your online reviews and encourage existing patients to review your practice across multiple channels, such as social media, Google, and Yelp. Encourage patients to be specific in their reviews. Although it is important for them to include that the office staff is nice and the office is clean, discussing exact procedures such as implants or porcelain veneers will demonstrate that your practice is the best fit for the new patients’ specific needs.

Second, have a list of references ready so any potential clients who call the office can talk to real patients about procedures they may have had and their experience with your practice in doing so. To do this, simply check with your happy customers post-procedure and see if they would be interested in sharing their experience with others.

If so, you’ll need them to sign an authorization form that would allow them to be contacted by inquisitors and ensure only information they are willing to share would become available to the public. Keep a record of this list with reception so references are on hand and available to give peace of mind to any new patient who may be interested.

Next, and speaking of which, reception is important! Your receptionist or receptionists are the first people new patients will come in contact with, so it is imperative that you have good help. Beyond just friendly and organized, make sure your receptionists are knowledgeable of the practice.

Instruct them on how to give tours of the office, and be clear of what you would allow potential patients to observe should they want to see your practice in action. Ensure they have pictures, video, and references ready to go, should requests from new patients be made for additional information.

Also, always make sure you are there to provide any support that reception may need. As the face of the practice, you’ll want to assure every member of your team that you always have their back.

Fourth, constantly curate your website and social media to include up-to-date photos and examples of before and after work, especially when it comes to cosmetic and implant dentistry such as porcelain veneer procedures. The more, the better. New patients will want to see that whatever procedure they may be interested in getting is something that you not only do well, but perform often.

Finally, have a list of medical doctors who are patients of your office to use as references. It is important for new patients to see that doctors in various fields trust you to handle their dentistry needs. You may even get lucky enough and have a potential new patient spot a doctor they already know and trust on the list of happy patients that you provide. 

Dr. Josephs practices implant cosmetic and general dentistry with an emphasis on implants, veneers, and complex crown and bridge treatment in Palm Beach, Florida. He is on the staff at JFK Medical Center and is a faculty advisory board member at McGill University’s Faculty of Dentistry. He completed his residency at Manhattan’s Beth Israel Medical Center and Mt. Sinai Hospital and was published in the Journal of the ADA in October 2017. He also is a twice published author, writing Tooth Talk and More Tooth Talk. Learn more at

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Teeth Whiteners Available Online May Be Dangerous Sun, 30 May 2021 16:00:36 +0000

Two teeth whitening products that were available online include 300 times the legally permissible amount of hydrogen peroxide, according to an investigation by Which?

The not-for-profit consumer organization tested 36 teeth whiteners purchased from online marketplaces and found that 21 of them had more than the legal amount of hydrogen peroxide (0.1%) permitted for home use in teeth whitening kits.

According to the investigation, 20 products included more than 10 times too much hydrogen peroxide, and the six most dangerous whiteners had more than a hundred times too much hydrogen peroxide to be legally sold. Two gel-filled syringes purchased from sellers on AliExpress, however, contained 30% hydrogen peroxide, or 300 times the legal limit.

Meanwhile, 11 of the 36 included more than 6% hydrogen peroxide, which is the limit in terms of what dentists are allowed. Twelve of the products didn’t include any hydrogen peroxide at all. Only three had hydrogen peroxide levels within legally permitted limits. 

The dangerous products have been removed from online sellers, but these findings raise further questions about the checks and monitoring carried out by online marketplaces, according to Which?

The consumer organization is calling on the government of the United Kingdom to give online marketplaces legal responsibility for the safety of products sold on their sites. Until then, Which? said, these platforms need to enhance their checks before including sellers on their sites and take strong action against those who break the law.

The British Dental Association (BDA) said it is pleased that Which? has shared its findings with the Office of Product Safety (OPSS) for further investigation.

Which? wants to see the OPSS urgently address these gaps in legal responsibilities as part of its review of product safety. In the meantime, Which? said, the OPSS should ensure marketplaces remove illegal products from sale as quickly as possible and that they do not reappear.

In developing its report, the BDA advised Which? on the law that relates to the use of hydrogen peroxide by dentists as well as by hygienists and therapists on the prescription of a dentist and in products sold directly to the public.

Teeth whiteners that fail to declare their precise chemicals may cause permanent damage to teeth, said Paul Woodhouse, member of the BDA board.

“Hydrogen peroxide is a seriously strong chemical and not to be messed with. Dentists are trained in its usage and they also know what whitening products are effective to use and safe for teeth and gums,” Woodhouse said.

“If you destroy gum tissue, you are never going to get it back, and you lose your teeth. If it penetrates the surface of your tooth, which is likely, it’s probably going to lead to the death of that tooth,” Woodhouse said.

The BDA advises the public to see their dentist for safe and effective teeth whitening.

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AAO Warns Its Members About the Importance of Cybersecurity Fri, 28 May 2021 13:33:11 +0000

The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) said that it recently communicated with its members about the urgent threat posed by cyberattacks. Recent news including the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline, the AAO said, demonstrates the devastating impact that these attacks can have on an orthodontic practice.

“The AAO endeavors to guide our members through the wide variety of complex issues that affect US and Canadian small business owners. And cybercrime is an exceptionally complex topic to navigate,” said AAO president Dr. Ken Dillehay.

“As an association, we must understand how to identify cybersecurity threats and how these can impact our members. The AAO encourages all orthodontic practices to take proactive steps to reduce their cybersecurity risk because this threat is very real, and it grows more prevalent with each passing year,” Dillehay said.

The AAO has partnered with Black Talon Security and Cybersecurity Insurance to help enhance its members’ internal systems, the organization said.

“Many members have told us they rely on their informational technology manager to identify and address their business risks. Unfortunately, this often results in insufficient risk mitigation,” said AAO CEO Lynne Thompson Gordon.

These companies have met stringent criteria to receive the AAO’s endorsement, the AAO said. Black Talon Security provides a variety of preventive services including cybersecurity assessments, vulnerability testing, and employee training, the AAO said, Cybersecurity Insurance aims to protect orthodontists financially if they have a data breach, the AAO said.

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Marketing Strategies Will Be Essential to Your Post-Pandemic Recovery Thu, 06 May 2021 13:17:30 +0000

As a business owner, your mind is on recovering from 2020’s challenges and determining the post-pandemic gameplan for your practice. Clearly, marketing will essential to your recovery.


Not coming as too big of a surprise, one of the biggest obstacles you’ll want to tackle is your marketing budget. To do this, you’ll need to understand what you spent in 2020, what your return on investment was, and how you want to move forward.

For example, did your retargeting program work? If not, take the time to understand why not and how you can improve it. It’s important to understand where you want to go and how you can get there before you begin to strategize.

Web and Email Content

Take a look at the content you created over the past year for your website and emails to help shape your upcoming editorial calendar. Make a list of the top 10 performing pieces of content and brainstorm more ideas off of those to understand what made them successful.

For example, was it well designed, well written, and timely? Did you target a specific audience that was very receptive? Take the time to make a spreadsheet with your content to track headlines, word count, social media shares, target audience, and more to ensure you can replicate the process in the future.

Allowing yourself to see where you’ve done well and where you can improve your content is essential. On the flip side, take the time to see what content didn’t perform well and why.

Don’t be afraid to revisit your content to keep it up to date as well. Once you’ve written a piece of content, it can get stale pretty quickly. That content is yours to own, so get some use out of it. Revisit your content and update it where and when possible and then reshare it! You can also take this opportunity to tweak the target audience or headline to get a higher response rate.

Social Media

You also should revisit your social media content to understanding what worked over the past year. Take a look at the analytics that Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram (among others) provide to understand what content your followers interact with most.

Make a plan around more of that content and brainstorm ways to improve the content that didn’t work well. You may also want to take stock of who you’re following and who follows you. Keep close to your industry and unfollow anyone who doesn’t fit the mold of what you’re trying to create. Also, don’t forget to also research new important voices in your area and follow them.

Understanding Trends in Dentistry

It’s not possible to always control what is happening in the dental industry. It’s also important to stay up to date on trends in dentistry—and their economic impact. You’ll want to be aware of any changes to stay ahead of the game.

Watch Your Competitors

This may be a given, but double check your competitors’ marketing content, websites, and social media channels. What seems to be hitting the right notes for them, and can you replicate in an interesting and different way?

Refocus on Your Brand

Reintroduce yourself to your brand. It’s easy to forget some of the details that truly make your dental practice stand out. Grow your marketing efforts around your brand and find new ways to communicate your practice’s mission and vision.

Have Clear Objectives

Yearly objectives are the goals of your marketing efforts, and they should be measurable and tied to a specific timeframe. Once you’ve identified your goals, create a strategy to meet them, whether it’s raising brand awareness, getting more referrals, or more return appointments. Then identify the tactics you need to employ to achieve them, such as more digital advertising, billboard use, or an increased social media presence.

Focus on Impactful Projects

Look at your upcoming calendar for events and activities that really have an impact and focus on them. If you spread yourself, your budget, and your time too thin, all of these amazing things in the works getting planned won’t be as impactful.

Start a Dental Membership Program

Approximately 180 million Americans lack dental insurance, which opens up a door for new  opportunities for your practice. Dental practices that have a membership program can potentially sign up hundreds to thousands of patients who pay monthly or yearly fees to get access to benefits to your office. This results in tens of thousands of dollars each month of additional revenue for your practice. Check out this free ebook and video course that educates your practice on how to start and grow a membership program.

Share Your Marketing Plan

If you plan and create and dedicate a lot of time planning the most perfect marketing plan, but haven’t shared it with your organization, then what’s the point? If you’re trying to spread the word about your social media updates, the best way to do that is involve your colleagues, who can then like and share your content to their followers. It’s also important to have support in how you want to brand and share your practice. If your team feels involved and excited, they’ll want to support it.

Get the Support You Need

No matter who you are or how good you are, you alone can’t plan and brainstorm every good idea. Get a small team together to help create focused processes and protocols for moving the marketing plan forward.

Take the time to understand where you are currently, what you did to get there, and how to improve. You don’t have to follow the same plan, and you don’t have to have a huge budget to make an impact.

However, understanding where your budget needs are and the type of content that works is important before moving forward. Use your current content to propel your practice’s image and vision forward, and spend marketing dollars where needed to make it happen. Revisit content to update and reuse, and you’re saving money already!

Mr. Comstock is the founder of BoomCloud, a successful software company that allows dental offices to quickly create, organize, track, and automate their in-house membership program. Visit BoomCloud for more information or contact Jordon and his team at (800) 260-9285 or email

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Dentsply Sirona Opens Registration for September Show Tue, 04 May 2021 04:00:01 +0000

Registration is now open for the 2021 edition of Dentsply Sirona World, scheduled for September 23 through September 25 at Caesars Forum in Las Vegas. The meeting also will include a virtual option. Early bird pricing is available through June 15.

Dentsply Sirona said that it is committed to making the in-person experience safe with measures in place to protect the health of participants and by complying with applicable local and state laws.

This year’s meeting will feature a choice of educational tracks with pertinent information to help ensure that attendees are prepared for current challenges and ready to take advantage of the opportunities that digital dentistry offers, Dentsply Sirona said.

“The experiences of the past year have shown that dentistry is truly essential,” said Eric Bruno, senior vice president of the North America regional commercial organization at Dentsply Sirona.

“We look forward to reconnecting with the dental community at the Ultimate Dental Experience 2021, both in person and online to further shape the future of dentistry together,” said Bruno.

“Our commitment to supporting healthy practices so that our customers can provide healthy smiles is unwavering,” he said.

For more information, visit

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Toothpaste Tablet Sales to Grow by 6.1% Through 2031 Thu, 22 Apr 2021 23:36:44 +0000

Global sales of toothpaste tablets will increase at a compound annual growth rate of more than 6.1% from 2021 to 2031, despite a period of less growth in 2020, according to Future Market Insights (FMI). The market research firm based its projections after tracking toothpaste tablet sales in more than 20 countries.

Many players in the retail sectors are now switching to subscription-based sales models, FMI said, which offer advantages in expanding existing lines of products and in launching new businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic also has driven more consumers to online purchases. As a result, many players in the toothpaste tablet market have resorted to subscription-based sales models to promote sales and retain customers.

For example, Hello follows the subscription-based model. It lets customers start their subscription by selecting one of the bundle offerings from its portfolio. Consumers are then free to select the duration of their subscription per their convenience.

Hello also lets customers create customized subscription boxes of their favorite products. It guarantees free products with each subscription as well. These efforts have helped the brand create, develop, and expand its business while curating a loyal customer base, FMI said.

Fluoride-free toothpaste tablets account for a significant share of the market, FMI continued. Many players also are expanding their offerings to include new flavored toothpaste tablets that are more appealing to consumers, especially children. Additionally:

  • The toothpaste tablet market grew 5% from 2020 to 2021.
  • Sales in the United States account for more than 88% of the North American market.
  • A focus on dental and oral health will keep growing in the United Kingdom, pushing toothpaste tablet sales to increase by 4.7% in 2021.
  • France and Germany are emerging as strong markets as buyers demonstrate a greater willingness to spend on fluoride-free toothpaste tablets.
  • A growing population with a greater focus on personal care and hygiene will continue pushing toothpaste tablet sales in China.

An FMI analyst noted that tailored marketing has significantly helped brands enhance their market reputation. Many brands use terminology including eco-friendly, non-toxic, green, sustainable, gluten-free, paraben-free, and fluoride-free to promote their products as healthy and safe in the eyes of consumers.

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AAO Moves Its Annual Session to a Virtual Format Tue, 20 Apr 2021 12:40:53 +0000

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) has cancelled the in-person component of its Annual Session, scheduled for June 25 through June 27, and will host it completely online.

“Currently, the COVID-19 restrictions in place in the city of Boston and Commonwealth of Massachusetts would not allow for an AAO meeting with the usual elements that our members know and love,” said AAO president Christopher A. Roberts, DDS, MS.

The AAO would have had to incorporate remote speakers projected to attendees through video, Roberts said. Also, individual attendees would have had to remain in a singular room throughout the three-day event. Capacity limits would have restricted the Exhibit Hall to a hundred people as well.

“Rather than promote a meeting that would fall short of member expectations, the Board of Trustees and the Annual Session Planning Committee have made the prudent decision to refocus our efforts on the virtual component,” said Roberts.

All attendees who registered for the in-person event will be automatically converted to virtual attendees. Every registered attendee will receive an email confirmation once this conversion has been completed.

“We know that this decision will be a disappointment to many of our members, and we understand your frustration. Rest assured that our top priority throughout this process has been the safety and success of our attendees and their experience at Annual Session,” Robers said.

To register, visit

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